Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 6

Week 6: Description of a key learning moment during phase one of your artifacts production and an explanation of how at least two design decisions were made?

During the construction of the artifact there were many key learning moments for us because we decided to use two unknown artifacts and only one that was familiar to us. Using the integrated learning space hints and tools enabled us to work through the artifacts features, and feel confident in using them. Whilst we used Prezi as our stage for our virtual presentation for analysing a Smart Board resource we included both an Xtranormal clip and a Screenr. A key learning moment for me during phase one of our artifact was being able to embed a variety of file types and multimedia into our Prezi.

I was intrigued and interested by its timely fashion to convert video files from the web or a screenshot from Smart Board technologies. This enabled my partner and I to feel at ease when constructing our virtual presentation. It allowed us to experiment with an array of technologies to find what best suited our presentation and it didn’t limit us to just one option. During the process of collaborating ideas about our virtual presentation we were discussing how we feel when we watch a lecture, its like eating a piece of toast with no vegemite-very plain, boring and unstimulating. Therefore we decided on what we would want out of a presentation if we had the choice, therefore we decided on the fast pace and audience controlled Prezi.
It allowed us to create our own pathways, be as creative as possible and theme our stage with colours attractive to the purpose of the presentation. This design decision was based on engagement and how any virtual presentation should be stimulating. Our second design decision occurred because we wanted to express ourselves in a fun and creative way appealing for our audience.

Therefore we decided to implement an Xtranormal clip using some unusual characters from history. By using another artifact we thought it would allow for our virtual presentation to appeal to more audiences if used in the future. It helped create an unusual aspect but yet still conveyed the thoughts and ideas of the presentation. Our conversations around design features were if we engaged in the content when constructing it as a pair then it should be enjoyable to view for our intended audience.

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